Legal & Government Reference LibGuide

We often get asked questions at the library about local laws and ordinances as well as questions about how to find an attorney or court forms. Below please find a helpful LibGuide full of free resources to find information that you might need whether you need a lawyer, access to federal laws, or information about building a deck in a Chemung County jurisdiction.

Federal GovernmentName of Database/Web SiteDescriptionAvailability
 Congress.govContains full-text of legislation from the 103rd Congress (1993) to the present and member profiles from the 93rd Congress (1973) to the present.Free Access
 Congressional RecordContains the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress from Volume 140 (1994) to the present.Free Access
 Cornell Legal Information InstituteThe LII publishes electronic versions of core materials in numerous areas of the law, primarily on the Web. They range from the Constitution to the U.S. Code, from Supreme Court decisions to the Code of Federal Regulations as well as the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Bankruptcy Procedure, and Criminal Procedure.Free Access
 Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS)U.S. Department of State site presenting the official documentary historical record of major United States foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity, primarily covering 1945 to 1980.Free Access
 Library of Congress Guide to Law OnlineVast network of links to content-based Web sites of primary and secondary legal information from foreign jurisdictions and all U.S. federal, state and territorial government entities.Free Access
 Library of Congress U.S. Statutes at LargeDigital copies of the U.S. Statutes at Large, from Congress 1 (1789) through Congress 81 (1950).Free Access
 LLRX Court Rules, Forms and DocketsThis site includes links to over 1,400 sources for state and federal court rules, forms and dockets. You can browse to find the resource you need, or search by keyword.Free Access
 Precedents of the U.S. House of Representatives (FDsys)Includes Deschler’s, Cannon’s, and Hinds’ Precedents; contains rulings made by the chair of the House of Representatives.Free Access
Judicial ResourcesLibrary of Congress How to Find Free Case Law OnlineThis Law Library of Congress research guide includes links to free websites which contain full text federal and state court decisions.Free Access
 OYEZA multimedia database about the United States Supreme Court which includes audio files of oral arguments, abstracts of key constitutional cases, and information on Supreme Court justices.Free Access
 Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER)The Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) service provides electronic public access to federal court records. PACER provides the public with instantaneous access to more than 1 billion documents filed at all federal courts.Free Access
TreatiesHuman Rights LibraryDigital copies of core human rights documents, including treaties and other primary international human rights instruments.Free Access
 Indian Affairs: Laws & TreatiesDigital copies of documents dealing with the legal status and laws, government relations, and treaties of North American Indians.Free Access
Regulatory InformationFederal RegisterProvides the full-text of the Federal Register, volumes 1-58, 1936-1993.Free Access
 Regulations.govAllows for browsing and searching of proposed and final federal regulations, submitted comments regarding proposed regulations, supporting agency documentation, and reports related to regulations.Free Access
New York StateConsolidated Laws of New YorkContains full-text NYS lawsFree Access
 Law Help NYProvides inforation about legal right, self-help information including court forms and how the court system works, and information about obtaining free or low-cost legal services. For Spanish Speakers, click this link: Access
 LawNYProvides free legal aid to people with civil legal problems in western New YorkFree Access
 NY Crime Victims Legal HelpCrime victims often have legal needs as a result of becoming a victim of crime. Get information about your legal needs and what your rights are. You can also search the directory to find a trusted nonprofit legal aid program that may be able to help and find legal forms for matters that you can handle yourself.Free Access Court HelpHelpful information about legal problems for those without a lawyerFree Access
 NYS Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service (LRIS)Confidential service will refer to a vetted lawyer based on your location and nature of your case.Free Access
 NYS EcourtsSearchable active (some disposed) cases from the State Supreme Court, Criminal Courts, Family Courts, and local Civil Courts in NYS. Option to sign up for updates to track selected court caases.Free Access
Chemung CountyChemung County Board of ElectionsVoting dates, candidate information, sample ballots, and voting locations for Chemung County NYFree Access
 Chemung County Charles B. Swartwood Law LibraryHours and location for the Chemung County Law Library located in Elmira NYFree Access
 Chemung County CharterThe county charter is approved law which provides for the basic structure and organization of the county government, specifices county government powers and authority, and prescribes procedures for the exercise of county powersFree Access
 Chemung County Government MeetingsVideo Archive of meetings of the Chemung County Legislature, IDA/CRC, and Civil Service Commission. 2020 to presentFree Access
Cities, Towns, & Villages of Chemung CountyBig Flats NY Municipal CodeGeneral ordinances of Big Flats, NYFree Access
 Chemung TOWN Zoning CodeGeneral ordinances of the Town of ChemungFree Access
 Elmira CITY Code of OrdinancesGeneral ordinances of the City of ElmiraFree Access
 Elmira CITY Council Meeting MinutesMeeting minutes online from 2011 to presentFree Access
 Elmira TOWN Codes & LegislationInformation about the Town of Elmira Codes, Regulations, and Governance.Free Access
 Erin NY Local LawLocal Laws of Erin, NYFree Access
 Horseheads NY CodeLocal Laws, Zoning laws, and Code for Horseheads NYFree Access
 Southport information & OrdinancesOrdinances and Information about the Town of Southport NYFree Access
 Van Etten websiteInformation about the Town of Van Etten, including links to Codes, laws, meeting minutes, and the court calendarFree Access
 Wellsburg VillageWebsite of the Village of Wellsburg NYFree Access


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