21st Century Italian Genealogy with Michael Cassara

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History & Genealogy

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Program Description

Event Details

Curious about Italian family history and heritage? There has never been a better time to pursue Italian genealogical research! With more and more records available online, this talk provides a strong overview for the beginning researcher, while including some lesser-known resources that will be of interest to even the most advanced researchers.

This is a VIRTUAL presentation. You may attend from anyplace in the world.


Michael Cassara is a professional genealogist and lecturer based in New York City, specializing in Italian/Sicilian genealogy, New York and New Jersey research, and genealogical technology. He has frequently presented at regional societies as well as national conferences, including five years of presentations at RootsTech, the 2018 Association of Professional Genealogists Professional Management Conference, a popular 2019 APG Webinar on genealogical technology, as well as talks at FGS, OGS, the New York State Family History Conference, and more. Michael holds a Certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University (OL19) and is a graduate of the ProGen Study Group (ProGen 43). He currently serves as President of the Italian Genealogical Group (ItalianGen.org) and he blogs about his research at http://www.digiroots.net. You can find him on Twitter and Facebook at @DigiRoots